In the same way since 2016 the Cooperative has been working with the NGO DESCO for the articulation of the Semilla project. Semilla is a project to eradicate the dangerous forms of child labor in rural Peru. Executed by the Foundation Development and Self-management, Desco and World Learning.

The Semilla Project aims to contribute to the formulation of public policies related to the eradication of child labor in family farming activities. Under this concept the project is supporting the Cooperative in Participation at the SCAA fair to be held in April 2017 with the aim of promoting the commercialization of coffee produced under rules to eradicate dangerous forms of child labor. Both the Semilla project team and the Cooperative's technical extension agents are also working in a coordinated way to assist in guiding and supervising the cooperative's families in activities that are carried out in excess of hours that represent health risks Of the child and that affect the hours that should be allocated to learning in school and play, as well as the use of chemical, toxic or polluting substances.

Projects oriented to the provision of specialized professional services of technical assistance and training that allow organized producers to know, apply and adopt specialized knowledge and technologies available to solve problems in the production, postproduction and commercialization of agricultural and forestry products. It includes business, commercial and organizational innovations in the different phases of the agro-business chain. Currently the Cooperative has been carrying out the project "Increasing the production of special coffees, honey and natural products for export purposes by the Villa Rica Golden Coffee Agroindustrial Cooperative, Villa Rica district, Oxapampa province, Pasco Region" .

ECOTIERRA gives access to products such as coffee and cocoa with added value
The Cooperative has established a working agreement with ECOTIERRA (ECOTIERRA is a developer of sustainable agroforestry projects generating positive environmental, economic and social impacts), to work on a pilot project with 25 partners of the Cooperative to MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE AND IMPROVE CONDITIONS OF LIFE that meets the following key performance indicators:
Increase in family income
Income diversification
Improving Product Quality p>
Increasing female participation p>
More certified cooperatives p>
Reinvestment linked to fair trade p>
.Reducing deforestation p>
Increased reforestation p>
Forest conservation p>
Reducing CO2 emissions p>