

Marketed as organic. In compliance with its standards and standards, it has decided to grant the Cooperative certification as organic and ecological product to the production and processing of coffee with the number CU 835252, valid to be able to market to the US markets, CANADA And EUROPE. For the group to have the organic seal, it is crucial because it forces us to strictly comply with the standards to renew the certificate annually; We assume the duty to strictly monitor compliance with standards, systematize, document processes and permanently train our partners.

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It represents an alternative to conventional trade and is based on cooperation between producers and consumers. When a product bears the Fair Trade Certification Seal FAIRTRADE means that the producers and traders have met the Fairtrade criteria. The criteria are intended to correct the imbalance of power in trade relations, the instability of markets and the injustices of conventional trade. The Cooperative is within this trade with FLO ID no. 32598

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Representa una alternativa al comercio convencional y se basa en la cooperación entre productores y consumidores. Cuando un producto lleva el Sello de Certificación de Comercio Justo FAIRTRADE significa que los productores y comerciantes han cumplido con los criterios de Fairtrade. Los criterios están destinados a corregir el desequilibrio de poder en las relaciones comerciales, la inestabilidad de los mercados y las injusticias del comercio convencional. La Cooperativa está dentro de este comercio con el FLO ID nro. 32598

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Fair Trade Certified™ is an award-winning, rigorous, and globally recognized sustainable sourcing model that improves livelihoods, protects the environment, and builds resilient, transparent supply chains.

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